Strategic Steps ─ Planning Your Pregnancy Journey and Ensuring a Healthy Start

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When it comes to expanding your family, the timing and preparation are crucial factors that shouldn’t be overlooked. While many couples typically start planning for a child a year or two before conception, it’s worth questioning whether this timeframe is truly sufficient.

Your current lifestyle and habits can significantly influence conception, pregnancy, and the future health of your baby. So, where should you begin, and what do you need to know right now?

Consider Your Age


Medical professionals generally suggest that the optimal age for a first pregnancy is between 20 and 29 years old, with a good window for a second pregnancy being between 30 and 35 years old.

However, it’s essential to recognize that these age ranges are somewhat flexible in today’s world. Thanks to advancements in modern medicine, women can successfully carry and give birth to children at the age of 40 or even later, albeit with more intensive medical supervision.

From a psychological perspective, one of the primary challenges of later pregnancies is the mother-to-be’s overwhelming desire for everything to be perfect during this time, including childbirth.

However, this well-intentioned perfectionism often leads to undue stress: constant worrying, overcommitment to numerous classes, fears, and adjusting to a new lifestyle can all take a toll on both the mother and the unborn child.

Planning your pregnancy promptly can help you circumvent these challenges regardless of your age. By preparing in advance, you can adjust your lifestyle, mitigate potential complications during childbirth, and ensure a smoother journey into motherhood.

Adjusting Physical Activity for Pregnancy Planning

The main brain center – the hypothalamus – developed back in prehistoric times, which explains some peculiarities of its functioning.

According to specialists, the hypothalamus can perceive fast running as a way to escape danger, and a lack of vitamins as hunger. The center sends anxious signals to the reproductive system, leading the body to “believe” that it’s not the best time for reproduction.

That’s why instead of intense sports when planning healthy pregnancy, it’s better to engage in gentle physical activities.

For instance, long walks in the fresh air during daylight hours can be beneficial: you enjoy socializing or listening to music, your body gets oxygen and vitamin D, and your muscles receive moderate exercise.

Stopping Smoking

When you plan to get pregnant, quitting smoking is essential for the health of both the future mother and the baby.

Smoking accelerates the onset of menopause in women, increases the likelihood of estrogen deficiency, and hurts metabolism. If you still smoke, remember that at least a year should pass between the last cigarette and conception.

If pregnancy occurs unexpectedly, smoking should be stopped immediately, as each cigarette smoked can adversely affect embryo development.

Nicotine and tar in cigarettes can disrupt placental circulation, leading to oxygen deprivation in the baby and a deficiency of nutrients and trace elements. The prospect of becoming a mother can be a good motivation to quit smoking, so it is necessary to seriously consider this step right now.


Taking Vitamin Complexes

One of the key vitamins that women need regularly, especially during the planning of pregnancy, is folic acid. Its deficiency at the time of conception significantly increases the risk of neural tube defects in the fetus, which form within the first 28 days after conception.

Additionally, a lack of folic acid can lead to other developmental abnormalities and increase the risk of miscarriage. It’s also important to consume a complete complex of accompanying vitamins.

It has been proven that the protective properties of folic acid are better manifested in combination with other vitamins from the B, C, and PP groups. The role of vitamins A, C, E, and D, as well as calcium, magnesium, zinc, and other trace elements, should not be underestimated.

During pregnancy, the body requires a greater amount of blood for placenta formation and supply to the baby. Iron plays a crucial role in hematopoiesis processes. If the usual daily dose of iron for a woman is 18 mg, during pregnancy, this requirement increases to 33 mg. So where can we get all the necessary “building materials” for the body?

In addition to folic acid, it is also important to consume inositol, which contributes to the normal development of the fetus and may reduce the risk of a child being born with developmental disorders. Myo inositol plus from Healblend is a supplement to increase the ability to conceive a healthy child. It’s especially needed for women with irregular periods who plan pregnancy.

Although many vitamins and nutrients are obtained from food, not all of them are consumed in sufficient quantities. Additionally, some products may not always be available in the required amounts in our diet due to thermal processing or their absence in the diet (for example, seafood and fresh greens).


Undergo Examination

As a preventive measure, women under 25 should undergo screening for Chlamydia trachomatis and Mycoplasma genitalium at least once a year, with additional tests being prescribed by a gynecologist only if alarming symptoms are detected.

Testing for antibodies in the blood and timely vaccination against rubella can help prevent unwanted risks. For the future child, diseases not limited to gynecological issues may pose a danger.

When planning pregnancy, it’s crucial to find out if you’ve had rubella: the virus can be transmitted from the mother to the baby and may lead to serious health consequences for the child (such as cataracts, deafness, heart defects, and other abnormalities).

Testing for antibodies in the blood and timely vaccination against rubella can protect against unwanted risks. It’s also important to consider acquired maternal diseases throughout life that may negatively impact hormonal balance and placental function, such as thyroid diseases and diabetes.

If you’re having difficulty conceiving, don’t rush to conclusions. Infertility is a clinical diagnosis given to healthy couples of reproductive age who have been actively engaging in sexual intercourse for a year without successful conception. Only a doctor can diagnose infertility, conduct examinations, suggest treatment methods, or alternative ways of conceiving a child.


Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is paramount for women aiming to enhance their fertility and increase their chances of conceiving. Research suggests that sedentary behavior, poor dietary habits, and stress negatively impact a woman’s fertility.

Therefore, adopting a healthy lifestyle early on is crucial, as it can significantly influence the likelihood of a successful pregnancy. Prioritize a balanced diet, incorporate vitamin supplements, spend more time outdoors, engage in active relaxation, quit smoking, and limit alcohol consumption.

Adequate sleep is also vital, with experts recommending between 7 to 9 hours per night, adhering to consistent sleep schedules. Establishing daily routines before conception is essential to minimize stress on the body during pregnancy, ensuring smoother adaptation and fostering optimal conditions for conception.

By cultivating habits that promote tranquility and stability, individuals can create an environment conducive to fertility and the conception of healthy offspring.

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