Wednesday Morning Minute – RedState

Estimated read time 3 min read

Good morning, and welcome to RedState’s “Morning Minute” — a brief glimpse at which stories are trending at the moment and a look ahead at what the day may bring. Consider this your one-stop shop for news to kickstart your day. 


WATCH: Dollar General Employee Confronted for ‘Misgendering,’ and His Reaction Is Solid Gold

Something has to give, and perhaps more people reacting like this employee will pave the way.

NYC Man Convicted Over Gunsmithing Hobby After Judge Says 2nd Amendment ‘Doesn’t Exist in This Courtroom’

The judge disrupted Varghese’s opening statement multiple times as he tried to set the stage for Taylor’s defense. Even further, she admonished the defense to refrain from mentioning the Second Amendment during the trial.

Trump Classified Docs Case: Unredacted Motion Reveals Collaboration Between Biden Admin, DOJ, and NARA

Imagine if things were reversed and a Republican presidential administration had engaged in such actions against a Democratic candidate; the hue and cry would have been heard all the way to Enceladus.


Today on Capitol Hill…

After capping Tuesday evening with a vote to approve the Ukraine/Israel funding package, the Senate now joins the House on another break and won’t be back in session until Tuesday. So, things may be a tad quieter on Capitol Hill for the rest of the week. 

White House What’s Up

After prevaricating barnstorming his way through Florida, President Joe Biden will be back in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday to do some more campaigning…because D.C.’s definitely in play. (Yes, that was sarcastic.) 


Biden Resurrects His Truck Driving, Civil Rights Days – Does Anyone Believe This Sickness Anymore?

Full Court Press…

No court for former President Donald Trump today — the Manhattan criminal case has Wednesdays off. 

There are two consolidated cases involving the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act being heard by the Supreme Court on Wednesday:

  1. Moyle v. United States 
  2. Idaho v. United States 

The question presented in both cases is: Whether EMTALA preempts state laws that protect human life and prohibit abortions, like Idaho’s Defense of Life Act. 


I’m watching “Gutfeld!” as I write this. (Yes, dear readers, I usually write these “Morning Minutes” up the night before. I don’t get up at 5:00 am to churn them out.) They were just lamenting the demise of the shopping mall (inspired by news of Express filing for bankruptcy and shuttering stores), and it made me nostalgic. I came of age in the heyday of shopping malls — you knew you were on your way to autonomy when your mom finally relented and let you “hang out” at the mall with your friends…unchaperoned. I worked at the mall in high school (Ups ‘n Downs, thank you very much). I recognize the realities of retail in 2024 are such that malls are no longer profitable, but I suspect I’m not alone in longing for mall rat days and simpler times…


Point of privilege… 

#Wednesday #Morning #Minute #RedState

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