Biden Descends Into Confusion About Jan. 6, Tells Wild Tales About Trump at Michael Douglas Fundraiser – RedState

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It’s becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with the Biden confusion now as he’s upped his campaign events, and he keeps making mistakes at such a rapid clip. 

But when he makes repeated mistakes as he tries to attack former President Donald Trump, it just highlights his issues even more.

He was attending a glitzy fundraiser on Thursday at the Westchester home of Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones (two more Hollywood people who apparently have no sense). 

He made another big mistake on a point he keeps trying to emphasize: Jan. 6. He keeps trying to make it an issue, but he can’t seem to even keep the date straight in his head. 

Biden, the oldest-ever US president at 81, made the blunder as he ripped his Republican rival, former President Donald Trump, 77, in front of the star-studded crowd. 

“We’ll certainly never forget the dark days of June 6, January 6th, excuse me,” the commander-in-chief said, according to a White House pool report.

“One of the dark days in history. The idea that wasn’t an insurrection — I don’t understand.”

He seems to have gotten it confused with D-Day which was June 6, 1944. D-Day might have been on his mind because of his confusion last week when he was talking about his uncle being eaten by cannibals. He was also criticized for a false story about all of his mother’s brothers signing up for the military after D-Day. He may have confused that with Pearl Harbor, which was Dec. 7, 1941. So, at this point, it looks like all the dates are just running together in his head. 

It’s all just a stutter, right? 


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Biden’s Bizarre Tale About His Uncle and the Cannibals

But that wasn’t all. He made up a bunch of other tall tales about Trump. He claimed Trump was “writing his own Bible.” 

The president also railed against Trump for “lying about COVID and telling the American people to inject bleach in their arms.” 

“He injected it in his hair,” Biden quipped.

Trump never did any such thing and it’s been roundly debunked. But Biden and his campaign have repeatedly told that lie about injecting bleach. Meanwhile, the media has failed to properly call them out on it, or frankly, on so many of the other lies he and the campaign tell. 

I wonder when he goes to these fundraisers and they see how bad he truly is, if any of them actually have a conscience and say, “No, I’m not going to do it; I won’t support such madness.” 

Douglas apparently has no concern about Special Counsel Robert Hur not prosecuting Biden because he’s an elderly man with a “poor memory.” Douglas told people that they should vote for Biden because he was an “extraordinary, seasoned veteran.” If you mean 50 years of being wrong about everything, then yes, he’s “seasoned” alright. 


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#Biden #Descends #Confusion #Jan #Tells #Wild #Tales #Trump #Michael #Douglas #Fundraiser #RedState

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