YOU SAID IT: ‘Wacko’ works

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Re: Poilievre expelled from House of Commons for calling Trudeau ‘wacko,’ ‘extremist’, online, April 30

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Whether the Speaker of the House, Greg Fergus, likes it or not, Pierre Poilievre had it right when he said Trudeau is a wacko. To be honest, I think Poilievre was being very polite as I could come up with numerous not so generous monikers that would suit the PM.

Every policy this Liberal government has foisted on Canadians has been done to bankrupt them. The country is already slipping onto that perilous slope thanks to the outrageous spending by this government. Most of that hasn’t even spent on Canadians or in Canada as it has been sent overseas despite our own suffering food insecurity, homelessness and not being able to access health care in a timely fashion.

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That in itself justifies the label. Why is it that the PM can call Canadians racist or misogynists, and that’s all right? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, and if the PM can’t handle name calling directed at him then maybe he should keep his mouth shut and start acting appropriately in the House himself.



Fergus kicked Poilievre out of question period for calling Trudeau a wacko. I can think of other things to call Trudeau. At least Poilievre didn’t call Trudeau a Nazi for not agreeing with him. Trudeau’s stance on the decriminalization of hard drugs and the appalling fallout it has caused is absolutely wacko. I can understand Poilievre’s frustration when his questions are never answered and Trudeau simply spouts his usual rants and BS.

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Re: Grandparents, grandchild among 4 dead in wrong-way 401 pursuit crash, online, April 30

Unbelievable. The police must have known that tragedy would occur once the thief got on the highway going the wrong way. They should have stopped the chase right there and used other methods to arrest them. I am sure there were cameras at the store and they were driving a U-Haul van, which was either rented or stolen.

My God, all of that tragedy over what, a bottle of booze?

I can’t believe the police acted so thoughtlessly.



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