Calgary Sun Letters to the Editor for Tuesday, May 14, 2024

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Trudeau fails again

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Re “Trudeau isn’t leaving” (Stephen LeDrew, May 3): Once again, Ledrew has brought to the fore the long list of policy, fiscal, ethical, and cultural gaffes of this Liberal government. He compares the current federal government to previous Liberal governments, which fostered liberty and economic success while tempering any excesses of the leadership. Far from functioning in a demographic fashion in internal party matters, the current Libs have elevated the leader’s role to that of a dictator, which will not end until 2025, since his partner, Jagmeet Singh, is unlikely to pull the plug earlier.

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Duane Sharp

(Trudeau has so far managed to get away with being arguably the most divisive and incompetent PM.)

Now that’s a plan

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On May 1, more than 1.7 million senior citizens qualified for Justin Trudeau’s new national dental plan, but — oh, oh — very few dentists have signed on to this new plan. Welcome to Trudeau’s dental plan of smoke and mirrors! Just another “X” in the failure box for the legacy hunter.

Jim McEwen

(His legacy won’t be pretty.)

Wrong kind of spark

How about when you are gassing up your vehicle, you stay off your cellphones, or have you never heard of static electricity? All it takes is one spark and kaboom, you, others gassing up and the gas station are blown to smithereens, all because of your obsession with a stupid piece of electronics that you cannot be without for even two minutes.

Bruce Haynes

(Experts say there’s a small chance of ignition.)

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Blood boiling

It makes my blood boil every time I hear Justin Trudeau and just about every media source in this country say the outcome of the federal election was unaffected by China’s influence. It’s kind of like your neighbour shooting a bullet at you and the police telling you, “Nothing to worry about, he doesn’t appear to be a very good shot.” Nothing could be further from the truth, and the fact we wouldn’t have even known about it, except for the courage of an unidentified whistleblower who risked their own livelihood in order to let Canadians know what was going on, is even more appalling.

Wayne Boyce

(Plus we’d never believe that China isn’t a good shot.)

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