Letters: Moe turned a deliberate blind eye to Harrison gun fiasco

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‘Like Sargeant Schultz in the TV comedy Hogan’s Heroes, Moe’s mantra is: ‘I know nothing. I see nothing. I hear nothing,’ ‘ — Roy Schneider.

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Last week, former government house leader Jeremy Harrison assured Premier Moe allegations made by Speaker Randy Weekes were false. Moe accepted this. Asked if he planned to pursue the matter further, Moe felt this was not his responsibility.

Like Sgt. Schultz in the TV comedy Hogan’s Heroes, Moe’s mantra is: “I know nothing. I see nothing. I hear nothing.” Friday we learned Harrison gave a false statement to his boss. 

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He admitted to bringing a rifle into the Legislative Assembly, although he denies Weekes’ other claims. This begs the question: If he lied about the rifle, is he also lying about all the rest?

Harrison has made the premier look very foolish with his claim this was “all unequivocally false.”  Saskatchewan is featured for the national news for all the wrong reasons yet again. Despite all this, it appears Moe will allow Harrison to keep his cabinet portfolio and his place in the government caucus.

The Premier should remove Harrison from cabinet and from the Saskatchewan Party. Sadly, this is not likely to happen. Moe has shown himself to be as proactive in the face of wrongdoing as Sgt. Schultz.

Roy Schneider, Regina 

Change in system would improve behaviour

Decades ago, one of my children visited Saskatchewan’s Legislative Assembly. Expecting to learn about governance and democracy, they were instead appalled by chaos and incivility. Elected officials, who were supposed to represent us with dignity, behaved like squabbling children.

Recent sessions amplify the worst tantrums of past decades. MLA Ken Francis confessed he gets sucked into trash talk almost daily. Speaker Randy Weekes’ final speech alleged threats and harassment from fellow Saskatchewan Party MLAs.

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He also revealed former government house leader Jeremy Harrison brought a gun into the assembly. Premier Scott Moe’s response? Weekes is a sore loser. Moe dismisses the alarming allegations against Harrison as false. No investigation was thought to be necessary.

He also categorizes the texts to Weekes as “ambitious” rather than “harassment.” Ambitious? To what purpose? Were those texts intended for partisan purposes by way of the senders attempting to have the non-partisan speaker favour a side?

The first-past-the-post produced assembly fosters an environment where yelling and intimidation mock dialogue and collaboration.

Reform with proportional representation could address these issues. By ensuring that legislative seats more accurately reflect the diverse views of our population, evidence proves proportional representation encourages coalition-building and co-operation.

Instead of a winner-takes-all approach that fuels partisanship, this system promotes a more inclusive and respectful political culture. Proportional representation offers a path to a more mature and effective legislative process.

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To improve our democracy in provincial and federal elections, vote for candidates who will enact electoral reform with proportional representation.

Nancy Carswell, Shellbrook

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