Letter to the editor: We should all be concerned

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Here are today’s Ottawa Sun letters to the editor.

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Re: History on repeat; Student encampments only the beginning, May 25

Justin Chow’s article was excellent, drawing attention to the ongoing pro-Palestinian protests and encampments at universities across North America and hatred across our country. He rightly reminds everyone that this is antisemitism, but unchecked hatred can be directed at anyone. Maybe each of us is next.

Why didn’t university administrators ban these encampments immediately? The protesters are trespassing on private property and therefore breaking the law. They should have been dispersed immediately. Unfortunately, they seem unconcerned about the hatred of Jews that is evident at these protests, and city officials and police are allowing the same to happen on our streets.

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The Ottawa police very quickly investigated a woman pulling a Muslim woman’s hijab off her head and laid charges of assault, harassment by threatening conduct and mischief. The police called this hate-motivated. Definitely the woman should not have pulled the head scarf from the Muslim woman’s head. When interviewed for TV, the woman said she was waving the Palestinian flag and chanting “from the river to the sea.”

That phrase calls for the elimination of Israel and the Jewish people. This is not freedom of speech; it is hatred. So why didn’t the police charge her with a hate crime?

I remember a family friend, who was in his late teens living in Germany prior to the Second World War, warning us that freedoms are taken from us very gradually, so at first people don’t really pay much attention. As these are ignored, more and more freedoms are taken away until you have none.

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We should all be concerned and speaking out about the antisemitism going on in our city and country.



Re: Woman, 74, charged with assault for tearing hijab scarf from woman’s head at demonstration, online, May 23

I watched the video of this incident, and what I saw was someone flipping the person taking the video the bird and then pulling down a head scarf; it wasn’t ripped off and the woman certainly wasn’t attacked. No violence or foul language involved. Was it necessary? No. Would we be making such a big deal of arresting and charging someone if they had pulled off a baseball cap? That’s another hard no.

Our police have much better things to do than arresting seniors. There are serious criminals out there, yet nothing is done about them.



Your letters are welcome, at: OttSun.Oped@sunmedia.ca. Include your first and last name AND city/town. Keep your letters short — and please try to be civil, even when criticizing or disagreeing. We edit for accuracy, length, clarity and legal concerns.

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