WTAF?! Jonathan Turley DECIMATES DOJ’s Legal Claim About Why They Can Withhold Biden/Hur Tapes (Thread) – Twitchy

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Just days after a Kangaroo Court convicted Trump of 34 charges Alvin Bragg’s office magically FOUND after scouring the law books (rewrote, tweaked, whatever), Biden’s DOJ has come up with a ‘legally absurd’ reason to withhold the Biden/Hur tapes. You know, the tapes where Hur interviewed Biden and determined he was far too out of it mentally to stand trial?

Yeah, they don’t want those tapes making it out.

Probably because they were more interested in released the transcript they altered to make Biden sound less like a doofus.

Good times.

Jonathan Turley is NOT impressed.

Deepfake privilege.


Wait, so if they can keep us from hearing recorded audio or video from a president, anyone could be calling the shots.

Obama, we see you.



Just when you think this administration can’t suck anymore.

The memes would be GLORIOUS.

We are indeed living in some scary crazy times, our friends.

Yup. It proves he’s so out of it he can’t answer basic questions … that or he gave away the plot.

Either way, hellooooo slippery corrupt slope.



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#WTAF #Jonathan #Turley #DECIMATES #DOJs #Legal #Claim #Withhold #BidenHur #Tapes #Thread #Twitchy

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