90 Year Old Apollo 8 Astronaut Will Anders Dies in Plane Crash – Twitchy

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Apollo 8 astronaut William Anders has passed away in a plane crash at age 90. It seems he was piloting the plane himself and was the only person on board as the aircraft fell into the waters offshore from Jones Island, Washington. The circumstances that caused the crash are still unknown.

Anders is best known for taking the AMAZING photo called ‘Earthrising’ as the planet Earth looked like a tiny blue marble as Apollo 8 moved further away from Earth. Anders was said to regard that photo as the most significant contribution he made throughout his entire career as an astronaut.

William Anders lived a long and ICONIC life. His family said he was a great pilot and will be missed.

Many on X had condolences. One of the most notable was Arizona Senator Mark Kelly.


Beautiful sentiments from a fellow astronaut. Anders indeed changed the perspective of how we viewed the Earth and it is STILL an inspiring photo.

WE LOVED THE LOVE Anders was getting. Scattered throughout the kind and thankful posts were the ‘moon deniers’ that said the photo was fake. We are not going to include any of those in this piece because it is ridiculous, we only mention it so you will not think we are blind if you go and look at the comments on your own.

What a life indeed! Some people never make it out of the town they grew up in, Anders made it off the planet!

Any death is sad but on the bright side, it seems Anders lived a long and happy life and as one of the posts above stated, died doing something he loved, FLYING! We hope Anders had the chance to see that earth as a tiny blue marble as he went to heaven and said goodbye to this world. We can only hope to live a life of such impact and beauty.

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