Election Denialism Is Part Of Republicans’ 2024 Strategy

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Just hours after Donald Trump made it clear on Truth Social that he intends to continue delegitimizing democracy in 2024 if he doesn’t win, The Washington Post published a story on the Republican National Committee’s alarming criterion for new hires.

After RNC staffers were told last month that they were being let go as part of a Trump-backed eviction, staffers were told they could reapply for their jobs. The process for reapplying for those positions has involved sitting down for interviews with senior Trump advisers, according to the Post. Those interviews involve answering questions about whether they think the 2020 election was stolen, people familiar with the interviews said. Per the Post:

“Was the 2020 election stolen?” one prospective employee recalled being asked in a room with two top Trump advisers.

The question has reportedly been presented via virtual interviews with prospective employees who had previously worked in states that will be key to the 2024 results. Many of the interviewees have told the Post that they viewed the question as a “loyalty to Trump” test, in the Post’s words. Other elements of the interviews have also reportedly involved questions about how to maintain “election integrity” in 2024.

The report solidifies what’s been the fears of election administrators across the U.S. as they gear up for the 2024 election — that the violence and intimidation that came along with Trump’s 2020 election denialism will return in full force, and with a vengeance.

Trump and his lackeys at the helm of the Republican Party are telling us loudly and clearly that they intend to do just that.

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