YOU SAID IT: A PM and a poster boy

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What a contrast between a former prime minister, the late Brian Mulroney, and our current poster boy, Justin Trudeau.

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Mulroney worked so hard for our country, making it a global leader. He was a true visionary.

Trudeau continues to shove policies down our throats that are distasteful to Canadians, including the carbon tax, which he mercilessly hammers us with during inflation and during COVID as well.

Void of any principles, he will support any group, no matter who, just to get their vote.




It is too bad that civilians have to suffer in a war, but, when Canada and its allies attacked Germany in the Second World War, did we worry about the lack of hospitals or food for the general German population? Or were we out to crush the Nazi regime at all costs? Did we give the Nazis a temporary truce so they could reform, re-organize and re-arm? Of course not.

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So how can we expect Israel to act any differently than we did? Hamas started this with its outright butchery. So let’s sit back and watch Israel crush Hamas and put it to rest.



What a total hypocrite Health Minister Mark Holland was in going after big tobacco, telling it to stay the hell away from our kids, while he is being completely silent about the serious harm of cannabis to “our kids.” Studies have shown young people using cannabis run an increased risk of suffering from psychosis and other mental issues later in life. Recent studies have also shown cannabis use can lead to heart attacks and strokes. Surely these are things young Canadians need to be made aware of.

When Prime Minister Justin Trudeau rushed through legalizing cannabis, he claimed it was to protect young people by cutting out black market sales. In fact, the exact opposite has happened. Cannabis black market cannabis sales have skyrocketed, thereby eating into government-controlled sales, thereby reducing cannabis revenue. Votes and a new revenue source were the real reasons Trudeau legalized cannabis.




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