Letter to the editor: Put immigration on hold

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Here are today’s Ottawa Sun letters to the editor.

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I have a very simple solution for the current housing crisis in Canada. Instead of throwing money we don’t have at a problem Justin Trudeau himself created, why don’t we deal with why we have a housing crisis in the first place? In this case, we stop immigration or refugees from coming to Canada for the next two or three years.

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With unemployment rates edging up, Canadians unable to find affordable housing and our health-care system also in crisis, it doesn’t make any sense to flood the country with people we can’t afford to look after.

Once Trudeau is gone, common sense has made a return and Pierre Poilievre has had a chance to bring the country back from the brink of destruction, then we can revisit this issue.

All of these plans Trudeau is rolling out are so tied up in the provinces and municipalities having to follow his dictates, it’s not funny. Don’t fall for the sudden interest in looking after Canadians.

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Re: Sutcliffe to run marathon while in U.K. with Ottawa Tourism, says it won’t cost taxpayers anything, online, April 3

Mayor Mark Sutcliffe is going to England on business and while there he’s running a marathon, and this passes as news? The sharks are circling. Unfortunately, there’s no blood in the water.

The mayor is paying his own way into the marathon. Isn’t it refreshing: a politician, while on city business, paying his own out-of-pocket costs? Look, we’ve had mayors who turtled when questions were asked. We’ve had mayors go on vacation when an embarrassing situation arises. We’ve had mayors who couldn’t string a cohesive sentence together! They all represented the city outside the country.

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Getting back to the original question, “is it news?” — where the media are concerned, it is. Next time, Mark, make the city pay the entry fee. Now that’s news!



Let it snow, let it snow! With every bonus wintery day in spring, there’ s always increased hope by a majority of Canadians that Justin Trudeau will take that long overdue walk in the white stuff and be gone for good.



Your letters are welcome, at: OttSun.Oped@sunmedia.ca. Include your first and last name AND city/town. Keep your letters short — and please try to be civil, even when criticizing or disagreeing. We edit for accuracy, length, clarity and legal concerns.

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