Air conditioning cost: Can you afford it?

Estimated read time 2 min read

As the pre-summer heat settles in parts of the country, Canadians are bracing for the higher utility bills that come with it.

Between inflation, housing costs and interest rates, some are looking for ways to stay cool this summer without breaking the bank.

According to Statistics Canada last year, 26 per cent of Canadian households went without air conditioning or some other type of cooling equipment in the past 12 months. One in seven Canadian households, about 15 per cent, had to reduce or forgo basic necessities such as food and medicine for at least one month in the past 12 months to pay an energy bill.

Are you worried about affording air conditioning costs this summer? wants to hear from you.

Do you plan on finding creative ways to stay cool? What strategies are you using to lower your air conditioning bill?

Do you plan to cut spending in other areas to make up for the added utility costs? How much of a priority is having air conditioning to you?

If you’re willing to share, how much did you pay last year for air conditioning?

Share your story by emailing us at with your name, general location and phone number in case we want to follow up. Your comments may be used in a story.

#Air #conditioning #cost #afford

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