Amnesty International Gets Launched Into Orbit After Misleading About a Palestinian Terrorist – RedState

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The moral rot undergirding so much anti-Israel sentiment was made apparent on Monday after Amnesty International decided to mourn the death of Walid Daqqa. The post, which appeared on social media, described Daqqa as a “writer” who spent 38 years in Israeli jails, further claiming that the death represented a violation of “Palestinians’ right to life.” 

There was just one small problem with that description. Namely, it omitted the key detail that Daqqa was a terrorist who kidnapped and tortured a young Israeli.

Community Notes as well as those in the replies were quick to launch Amnesty International into orbit over its dishonesty. Yes, it’s a day of space puns on the site.

Daqqa was imprisoned for the abduction, gruesome torture, and eventual murder of an Israeli citizen. He was not in jail for his writing – he only became a writer after his criminal conviction. Criminals die in jail all over the world – it is no reflection on Israeli attitudes.

These NGOs are nothing but fronts for terrorism at this point, and that’s making the very generous assumption that they ever served any real purpose. Amnesty International, which is headquartered in the United Kingdom, has long taken an anti-civilization stance regarding criminal acts by terrorist groups. Praising Daqqa as a “writer” while implicitly lying about his background takes a special level of depravity preserved for the lowest among us, and these “human rights organizations” have it in spades. 

Where would the world be without NGOs sucking up money and promoting lawlessness against established nations? Lost in the chaos of the Southern Border crisis in the United States is that these organizations have played a major role in facilitating it. For its part, Amnesty International has long supported illegal immigration under the guise of seeking “asylum.” 

RELATED: Is the UN Behind the Illegal Alien Invasion at the American Southern Border?

Of course, these same “human rights organizations” haven’t lifted a finger to free the hostages being held by Hamas in Gaza. Why? For starters, the group is full of rabid antisemites but there’s another aspect to consider: The oppressor/oppression dynamic. 

Organizations like Amnesty International do not see morality through a rational lens. Instead, they have decided that all morality is dictated by the oppressor/oppression dynamic, which suggests that people of certain races and socioeconomic backgrounds are always right no matter the facts surrounding a situation. 

Sure, the Palestinians invaded Israel and slaughtered over a thousand people while taking hundreds hostage, but that doesn’t matter to Amnesty International. All that matters is the idea that Palestinians are “oppressed” and are therefore justified in all actions they take. Likewise, Israel, being a relatively civilized and wealthy nation is an “oppressor” even when they are viciously attacked. 

It’s a wildly perverted way to analyze world affairs and demographic interactions, but such thinking has become mainstream. Amnesty International is one of the worst offenders out there, but they are hardly alone.

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