Another shameful march, another display of why Jews don’t feel safe

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Saturday was another shameful display of anti-Semitism on the streets of our city.

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On Friday, I had another unfortunate conversation with Jewish friends about whether Canada is still safe for them and their families. On Saturday, we saw another example of why so many Canadian Jews don’t feel safe.

A man walked the streets of Toronto, marching in an Al Quds Day parade, wearing his keffiyeh and a replica suicide vest as he and those around him chanted about intifada.

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For six months, Canadian Jews have watched and listened as mobs have taken to the streets with the pro-Hamas chants and propaganda. The calls of “from the river to the sea” and “only one solution, intifada revolution” are nothing short of calls for genocide and still it goes on.

Last weekend, when Toronto Police Service provided the mildest of pushback, they were accused of racism and police brutality by those who have been calling for the elimination of Israel and making horribly racist comments about their fellow Canadians.

We even saw six city councillors, including two members of the Toronto Police Services Board, come out in support of the protesters while criticizing the police.

“It is deeply concerning to hear residents voicing fears about their freedom to engage in protests, demonstrations, and large gatherings,” the councillors wrote, implying that TPS has been anything but accommodating to this Hamas supporting mob.

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And let’s be clear, this is a Hamas supporting mob, not a pro-Palestinian mob.

Not once, at any of the protests that I’ve attended since Oct. 9, have there been any calls for Hamas to accept a ceasefire, just for Israel to agree to one. There have been no calls for Hamas to release the civilians taken hostage. There have been no banners declaring that Hamas must stop using the people of Gaza as human shields.

Instead, there are banners like the one repeatedly on display from the group, Samidoun, that features an image of an AK-47 firing with the butt of the rifle painted like a Palestinian flag. Across the banner, it reads, “Long Live the Resistance.”

Samidoun is an organization with ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a group that has been on Canada’s list of banned terrorist organizations for 20 years. Somehow, despite their close affiliation with the PFLP and their open calls of resistance by any means necessary – which includes supporting the murder of children and rape of women – Samidoun is able to keep their status as a non-profit registered organization in Canada.

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Do the councillors who signed the letter realize that this is who they are supporting?

Samidoun has been a key organizer of these protest marches since the start of the Hamas-initiated war. One of the other key organizers, the Palestinian Youth Movement, has equally questionable ties and is the type of group any elected official should want to distance themselves from.

PYM has also long celebrated and defended terrorists with long connections to groups like PFLP, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and others. On Oct. 7, within hours of most of us finding out about the horrific terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas, PYM was celebrating what happened.

Their worldwide network had social media posts going up cheering on “the resistance” and asking people to come out to rallies in solidarity of what had just happened.

These are the people those six councillors are standing with and defending. Terrorist supporters, who for the last six months have been protected by police as they walk the streets, target synagogues, Jewish daycare centres, Jewish owned businesses and more with their genocidal chants.

It’s no wonder that every time I speak to Jewish friends, someone will raise the issue of not feeling safe or welcome in Toronto, or Canada, any longer.

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