Biden Exposed for Rank Hypocrisy After Report on Use of Campaign Donations for His Legal Fees – RedState

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Joe Biden and his team are being busted for prior statements and rampant hypocrisy regarding campaign donation spending.

They’ve been attacking former President Donald Trump for using campaign donations to pay for legal fees, yet they’ve left out a rather critical fact, according to a new report from Axios.

Axios has two sources “familiar with the matter” who told them that Joe Biden used campaign donations to help pay for his legal bills during the special counsel’s probe. Whoops, you mean they’re doing the same thing they’re attacking Trump for? Where have we heard this before? 

Why it matters: The payments, made through the Democratic National Committee, are at odds with the Biden campaign’s recent attacks on Donald Trump for spending his campaign funds on legal fees.

Driving the news: The DNC — which has been collecting the biggest donations to Biden’s re-election effort — paid more than $1.5 million to lawyers or firms representing Biden during the probe, according to the committee’s financial filings.

The “DNC declined to say exactly how much money it spent on legal work related to Hur’s probe,” according to Axios. 

Axios also pointed out some of the problematic statements made by the campaign and the DNC:

  • Last weekend, the Biden campaign’s finance chair said on MSNBC that “every single time you give to the campaign, we’re going straight to talk to voters…We are not spending money on legal bills or hawking gold sneakers,” a reference to Trump.
  • A deputy campaign manager for Biden called a recent glitzy fundraiser for Trump “a handful of billionaires figuring out how to pay his legal bills.”
  • Asked about Biden’s use of the DNC to pay his legal bills, DNC spokesperson Alex Floyd told Axios: “There is no comparison — the DNC does not spend a single penny of grassroots donors’ money on legal bills….

That got the RNC going in response. They called out the Biden team for their prior statements about Trump and statements in conflict with this report and called for the DNC head, Jaime Harrison, to explain. 

Why do we have to find that out from the media? Because the Democrats don’t want to admit it? And good on Axios for doing some real journalism. 

But isn’t that the classic Democrat response to attack for the same thing they are doing? It’s only bad if Republicans do it. If Democrats do, then it’s okay.  We saw that with the classified documents probe that, despite having documents all over his house, with his handwritten notes on some, it was all somehow not worth prosecuting because he had a “poor memory.” So it’s all cool. Absolutely unbelievable in terms of the handling of that case versus the case against Trump. 


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#Biden #Exposed #Rank #Hypocrisy #Report #Campaign #Donations #Legal #Fees #RedState

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