Black Mayor Pulls the Race Card on Black Constituents to Defend Corruption – Twitchy

Estimated read time 4 min read

We’ve written about Dolton, Illinois Mayor Tiffany Henyard before. She was shaming all of the black citizens at a board meeting for attacking a black woman in power.

It doesn’t appear that conditions have improved since February. Heyward is still pulling the race card in front of a mostly black audience. You get what you voted for, we suppose. 

They just can’t handle a black woman in power.


Get this: Dolton wants to hire former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot to investigate Henyard:

According to reports Lightfoot agreed to conduct the investigation with an initial budget of $30,000

• Lightfoot will also be asked to investigate claims that Henyard retaliated against an aide and a police officer who reported alleged sexual misconduct on the part of a village trustee during a taxpayer funded trip to Las Vegas last year

• Henyard vetoed a previous resolution passed by the trustees demanding her to surrender the village’s financial records and keys to village hall

Hiring Lori Lightfoot to investigate a corrupt mayor? Yeah, that makes sense. My apologies to the few exceptions, but Dolton is a bunch of idiots.


#Black #Mayor #Pulls #Race #Card #Black #Constituents #Defend #Corruption #Twitchy

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