Calgary Sun Letters to the Editor for Monday, April 22, 2024

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Go for it

So Parti Québécois Leader Paul St-Pierre Plamondon has pledged there will be another referendum on independence if his party takes power. Fill your boots. You want independence, then go for it.

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Remember this, though, the billions in yearly transfer payments stop. You can pick up your share of the debt when you leave. The Canadian dollar is no longer your currency, and let’s see how your currency stands up on the world market.

But, most importantly, you will take that guy masquerading as our PM with you.

Oh, yeah, one more thing, don’t let the door hit you in the a– on the way out.

Wayne Boyce

(Quebec is starting to look like the boy who cried wolf.)

It’s a crime

Every Hamas supporter who is demonstrating on our streets should be deported or jailed. These people should never have been admitted to this country. It’s a crime the way our Jewish population is being treated, with the police standing back and doing nothing.

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Doris Reed

(All Canadians, regardless of their faith, deserve a safe place to live and worship. Something needs to be done to keep our Jewish citizens safe and secure.)

Courageous column

Re: Time to kick ’em out! Is this, at long last, the result of multiculturalism? Warren Kinsella column, April 14

Thank you, Warren Kinsella, for having the courage to pen the above column. Thank you for bringing what needs to be said front and centre.

I would also like to add that the discriminatory application of the “rule of law” by police, courts, governments and politicians (convoy protest, pro-Hamas protesters) that we see more and more in Canada will ultimately foster an anti-immigration attitude in our society.

Sadly, the law in this country is no longer blind. Canada is rapidly mirroring the Third World countries from which many of these immigrants supposedly escaped.

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Like Mr. Kinsella, I don’t like it one bit.

Betty-Anne Tremblay

(Mr. Kinsella doesn’t mince words.)

A Student Sussex rebuild

Why not let students from trade schools work at rebuilding 24 Sussex? I’m sure trade schools have to allow students to practise their trades before graduating, and it would not cost millions of dollars to rebuild.Students from various trades would have a real project to work on and would feel that they are contributing to Canada’s history. It may take a few years to get it done, but it’s been empty for so long, what’s a few more years?

Monique Lavigne Patenaude

(With the right supervision, why not?)

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