Dude, Just Walk AWAY! Christopher Rufo Just Made Mark Cuban His BIATCH in Heated Back and Forth About DEI – Twitchy

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We’re not entirely sure where to start with all of this SO we’ll just start at the beginning and let the thread/back and forth speak for itself because you guys … WOOF.

All the woof.

Mark Cuban is his own worst enemy at this point. True story.

… especially when it comes to DEI.

Guess where this came from?

And here we go.

Trump Trump Trump.


The post continues:

But yes, decentralization—allowing Americans to pursue their own textured, particular destinies, without regime interference—is the higher aim.

Cuban shot back:

He continued:

This federal dysfunction leads to the inability of the federal government to pass legislation, which in turn makes it easier for local and state governments to take on responsibilities?

But what if the person pushing for consolidation of power has the level of influence within his party that trump has and is looking to build upon?

Is it possible that centralized power would corrupt the person owning it?

Ask a stupid question …

Rufo responded (big time):

More broadly, through legislation, Congress and the president should decentralize as much power as possible to states, localities, and families. 

A few examples:-

Social programs are better administered by states, which can experiment with different models, tailor programs to local problems, and compete with one another for innovation. 

-Families should have more power over education for their children, and universal school choice programs in several states now allow them to take their education dollars to a school that reflects their values. 

-Regarding civil rights law, we need to get back to a system of colorblind equality, so that people are treated equally as individuals, not as avatars for group ancestry. This will require significant reform.

-On DEI, I sense you are genuinely committed to helping people move up, which is admirable and a goal that I share. But in practice, as I have reported, DEI often trades in discrimination, scapegoating, and pseudo-science. 

Here is a roundup of some of my reporting about DEI in corporate America, in practice: https://static-cj.manhattan.institute/christopher-rufo-on-woke-capital. It’s not a pretty picture.

So there.

Ummm … what?

Us too.

Psh, what fun would that be?

Don’t be Mark.



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Editor’s Note: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Also, if you are reading this far please sign up for Twitchy VIP and help us continue bringing you the truth, especially the truth Biden and his Big Tech goons don’t want us sharing.

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