Health care workers, supporters gather at Saskatoon rally

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A rally that brought together dozens of health care workers and supporters was intended to highlight to the Saskatchewan government a “growing list of concerns” shared by workers and members of the public, one of the rally organizers said.

“Enough is enough. We are tired of grandiose government announcements without meaningful results,” Saskatchewan Health Coalition board member Barb Byers said on Saturday.

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“We are done waiting.”

The All In for Public Health Care rally, which started near the University of Saskatchewan campus and continued with a march downtown, took place Saturday afternoon under cloudy skies in Saskatoon. It was organized by the Saskatchewan Health Coalition, which includes representation from several unions and organizations focused on health care.

“Many people in this province have been advocating a long time for practical solutions to get the province’s health care system back on track,” Byers said.

The laundry list of items raised by those at the rally included long wait times for surgery, tests, emergency room care and ambulances; well-publicized difficulties for Saskatchewan residents trying to find a family doctor; what organizers called “inadequate” support and services for those needing mental health care; staffing shortages; a lack of support for harm reduction programs and addiction treatment; and more.

Byers said those at the rally want to see an end to the provincial government pushing privatized, for-profit health care and commit to “a public health care system that meets the needs of all Saskatchewan residents.

“It’s beyond time for this government to step up and ensure our health care system is able to provide the care, programs, services and support that is needed and expected in our province,” Byers said.

“Patients are done waiting. Health care workers are done waiting. Saskatchewan residents are done waiting.”

Dozens of health care workers and supporters gathered in Saskatoon on Saturday, May 4, 2024 as part of the event billed as the All In For Public Health Care rally.
Dozens of health care workers and supporters gathered in Saskatoon on Saturday, May 4, 2024 as part of the event billed as the All In For Public Health Care rally. Photo by Supplied photo

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