Hillary Clinton Spreads Rachel Maddow’s Story of Ending Lunch Breaks for Child Workers – Twitchy

Estimated read time 3 min read

There was a big fuss back in March when Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders “rolled back” child labor laws, letting children younger than 16 get jobs. Now child labor is back in the news, and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow has got Hillary Clinton all upset about Republicans ending lunch breaks for child workers. We like how the headline is screen-captured without any information about when or where it’s from. 

Steve Benen writes for Maddow’s blog:

It’s been difficult to keep up with the number of Republican efforts in recent years to roll back child labor laws. The Guardian reported in the fall that GOP policymakers at the state level “have led efforts to roll back child labor protections, with bills introduced in at least 16 states.”

To be sure, not all of the measures are identical. In some states, Republicans want to scrap age verification requirements for employers. In other states, they want minors to be able to serve alcohol. A Washington Post report last year noted some state GOP officials also eyed proposals to allow kids as young as 14 to “work certain jobs in meatpacking plants and shield businesses from civil liability if a child laborer is sickened.”

Evidently, related efforts are underway again this year, and this NoLa.com report out of Louisiana stood out as especially striking.

Yeah, striking.


Of course, Clinton locked down replies.

Five full hours without a half-hour lunch break … positively Dickensian.

Why do Democrats want to keep teens from working to earn some money?


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