Hunter Biden Text Messages From 2017 Brokering Meeting With Bidens, Chinese Energy Boss – RedState

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New Hunter Biden text messages, just released by the House Ways and Means Committee, appear to show Hunter Biden attempting to set up a meeting between his father (at the time, former Vice President) and other family members, and the chief of a Chinese energy company:

Newly released messages from the House Ways and Means Committee appear to show Hunter Biden proposing a meeting in New York City between the boss of a Chinese energy company and Joe Biden, the former vice president at the time, along with Joe’s brother, Jim Biden.

“Can you meet this evening early,” Hunter Biden asked Yadong Liu, CEO of CEFC Global Strategic Holdings in a poorly punctuated text message the evening of Dec. 12, 2017.  

“My father will be in New York also and he wants me to attend the Sandy Hook memorial service with him and I would like him to meet you along with my uncle and then you and I can talk let me know if that works.”

“I’m sorry for the late notice I got off the red eye in Baltimore from LA and take a little nap before I got his message,” Hunter added.

Yadong told Hunter “No problem” and asked to let him “know when and where to meet.”

See Related: FBI Doc Raises More Questions About Hunter Biden Gun Case and What the Secret Service Has Said 

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The Chinese businessman in question, Yadong Liu, started his career in the Chinese Foreign Ministry (the equivalent of our State Department):

“Mr. Liu started his career in the Chinese Foreign Ministry, where he was a diplomat and a top interpreter for Chinese leaders,” the SEC filing said. “Mr. Liu holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Language & Literature from Beijing Foreign Studies University, a Bachelor of Laws degree from Beijing Foreign Affairs College, and a Ph.D. in Political Science with a concentration in International Political Economy from Columbia University.”

As far back as 2020, the New York Post was already looking into Hunter Biden’s Chinese business affairs. The Post‘s timeline documented Hunter’s co-founding of Rosemont Seneca Partners, an investment fund, under whose auspices Hunter initially went to China to speak with “top officials” of the Chinese government – which is to say, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) – entities including the Postal Savings Group, the China Investment Corporation, and others.

This latest email is one in a long list of data points. By itself, it’s not so much of a much; there is no purpose stated for the meetings, and it’s unclear as to whether the meetings actually took place, and if they did, what was discussed. But on at least one occasion, the then-former Vice President did meet with an official of CEFC Global Strategic Holdings, according to a former Hunter Biden associate:

One of Hunter Biden’s business associates has testified how the president’s wayward son used his father to help secure a major business deal with China. 

In a transcript of his closed-door testimony before Congress, Rob Walker admitted that Hunter’s father was the crucial element in securing a deal with the Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC. 

During the hearing, which was conducted by the House Oversight and Judiciary committees as part of Joe Biden’s impeachment inquiry late last month, Walker was asked why he used Hunter Biden’s letterhead when writing a letter to a leading company executive by the name of Jianjun Zang.

“I think what is common with U.S. companies working with individuals abroad, those individuals tend to — they don’t — they aren’t taken seriously unless they have a calling card like this or something that says that they represent,” he explained. “So if — you wouldn’t — this is just normal, customary business practice.” 

This is, again, one data point, but it’s one more data point out of many, spanning from Beijing to Kyiv, detailing the “business dealings” of Hunter Biden and members of the Biden family. While this is so, smart money nevertheless says that, in the end, nothing will be done about it.

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