Letter to the editor: Quit kicking public servants

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Here are today’s Ottawa Sun letters to the editor.

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Public servants are not a soccer ball that you can kick around as you please, accusing them of being irresponsible and whining.

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Public servants are fathers, mothers, grandparents, uncles and aunts who have mortgages and debts, who go through rough economic times trying to make ends meet. They are your neighbours, your friends and family.

No one deserves the nasty accusations and the disrespect that is being dished out frivolously and without any knowledge of their working conditions.

Public servants are conscientious and dedicated to their work, and, no matter where they work from, they are hard at work to make everyone’s life better. And those who keep complaining about them should walk in their shoes for a while.

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Maybe then they will stop their complaints and whining and realize that, without them, they would not get their social security cheques, their childcare cheques, their pension cheques, their passports, their tax rebates and all other government services they enjoy.

Their sense of superiority is disturbing for those of us who pay respect to public servants and thank them for their service, whether they work from home or not.



Re: Sinister agenda behind campus occupations, May 10

I read the Sun’s editorial about the “sinister agenda behind campus encampments” that calls for the demonization and delegitimization of Israel through the support of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement.

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I think the “sinister agenda behind Hamas attacking Israel” is playing out right now in real time. People in democratic countries are turning, not only on Israel, but on their own Jewish citizens as well.

Hamas members didn’t fly in from Australia, get changed and attack Israel. They didn’t. Hamas terrorists are from Gaza.

So, if Canada’s Bobs, Carols, Teds and Alices want to support Gaza rather than Israel and our own Jewish people, knock yourselves out. Just don’t expect me to jump on that bandwagon.



Your letters are welcome, at: OttSun.Oped@sunmedia.ca. Include your first and last name AND city/town. Keep your letters short — and please try to be civil, even when criticizing or disagreeing. We edit for accuracy, length, clarity and legal concerns.

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