Migrants Hurl Abuse at Xenophobic Japanese Citizens During Patriotic Parade – Twitchy

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We normally would overlook a post like this one if President Joe Biden hadn’t accused Japan of being xenophobic earlier this month. Biden is always quick to praise the “model citizens” who built this country who cross the border, but other countries aren’t so welcoming. 

Bloomberg reported:

“You know, one of the reasons our economy is growing is because of you and many others. Why? Because we welcome immigrants,” Biden told Asian American and Pacific Islander donors Wednesday. “The reason – think about it – why is China stalling so bad economically? Why is Japan having trouble? Why is Russia, why is anyone? Because they’re xenophobic, they don’t want immigrants.”

After insulting the Japanese by calling them xenophobic, we’d love for Biden to see this video of Japanese “newcomers” at a parade.

We can’t imagine why Japan doesn’t want immigrants.


But Biden says these migrants are essential to Japan’s economy. We wonder what they do.

Maybe the middle finger means something different in Kurdish culture.

Biden thinks that Japan has strictly limited immigration too, but we guess not. It’s probably even xenophobic to post this video.


#Migrants #Hurl #Abuse #Xenophobic #Japanese #Citizens #Patriotic #Parade #Twitchy

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