New York Post POUNDED for Haughty Gene Hackman Headline – Twitchy

Estimated read time 4 min read

File this one under ‘What were you thinking?’

The New York Post received a well-deserved drubbing for posting photos and a video of 94-year-old retired actor, Gene Hackman.

Our first thought was ‘Just let the man get his coffee at the gas station without harassing him’.

Our second thought was ‘Wow, he seems to get around better, with no assistance, at 94 than President Biden’.

The New York Post’s first thought, inexplicably, was ‘Look at what he’s wearing’.

The man is 94 years old and still out doing his thing. He can wear whatever the heck he wants.

Look, we get that TV reporters are going to say ‘Hey! It’s Gene Hackman!’ and share the earth-shattering news with the world that Gene Hackman is … still Gene Hackman. It’s annoying, but that’s what they do.

What we can’t understand is including the bit about his clothes.

‘Nearly identical outfit from weeks earlier’. Weeks? Do you know any men? Lady, we can get weeks out of one pair of jeans.

It would be an understatement to say Twitter/X users were miffed over the slight to the beloved actor.

Depending on where you live and the church, they might be the same outfit. LOL.


Even Community Notes got in on the action, pointing out that the ‘nearly identical’ outfits weren’t even ‘nearly identical’, not that it would matter if they were.

The horror!


There’s no way Gene Hackman cares about any of this, but his fans were annoyed enough to get T’d up and thrown out of an Indiana basketball game. Sober up, Shooter!


It was a slow day for the entertainment reporters at the NY Post.

Now we’re riveted for the follow-up story.

Bwahaha! We could tell stories.

The rest of the write-up recognized Hackman’s dominance on the big screen and his real-life humility.

The uproar could have been easily avoided by starting with something like ‘At 94 years old, Gene Hackman is still rocking life. Check out all the cool stuff he’s done.’

Instead, we got, ‘old man reuses his clothes’.

Do better, New York Post.


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