NPR Chief Executive Says It Was ‘Profoundly Disrespectful’ to Out Network’s Bias – Twitchy

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Earlier this week, The Free Press published a piece by Uri Berliner, a 25-year veteran of NPR, who said that the network had gone from liberal-leaning to straight-up activism, trying to damage Donald Trump’s presidency and “find anything we could to harm him.” 

The first person NPR sent out to do damage control, ironically, was the same guy who wrote the piece explaining why NPR wouldn’t be covering the Hunter Biden laptop story, which was just a “distraction.” Berliner admitted they ignored the story to help the Biden campaign.

Now NPR chief executive Katherine Maher has come out with a statement addressing the “hurtful” piece.

Truth hurts. It’s no secret that NPR has a huge liberal bias. “Serving our mission” … what’s that, to elect Democrats? NPR was all over the Russian collusion hoax but wouldn’t report on Hunter Biden’s laptop because it might hurt Joe Biden’s candidacy.


His piece was about how NPR had lost the trust of the people by going full-activist. NPR has no credibility left.

Speaking of white males, someone dug up a photo of NPR’s interns:

We’ll post it one more time for posterity:

We know why we didn’t see any stories from NPR about the laptop. Everyone knows. It’s like she really doesn’t know that NPR has a totally liberal bias. The piece could have been the impetus for some course correction, but NPR’s chief executive doesn’t see a problem.


#NPR #Chief #Executive #Profoundly #Disrespectful #Networks #Bias #Twitchy

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