RFK Jr. Says Docs Found Dead Worm in His BRAIN – Twitchy

Estimated read time 4 min read

We knew 2024 was going to be an interesting election year. But there’s a reason the Chinese saying ‘May you live in interesting times’ is a curse.

Because wow. Every day there’s some new plot twist that makes it seem like things couldn’t get any more bizarre.

Then they do.

Back in the early 2010s, presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was having some health issues, and during divorce proceedings in 2012, it was revealed the cause was some sort of dead parasite in his brain.

More from The Daily Mail:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. described over a decade ago how a worm ate part of his brain and caused short term memory loss.

The 2024 longshot independent presidential candidate revealed the information during a 2012 divorce deposition unearthed by The New York Times and published on Wednesday.

At first, doctors thought RFK Jr.’s memory loss and mental fogginess was the result of a brain tumor after a dark spot showed up on his brain scans.

While packing for a surgery at Duke University Medical Center in 2010, Kennedy received a call from a doctor at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital who believed the symptoms were a result of a dead parasite in his head.

Kennedy said at the deposition that the doctor believed the abnormality on his scans ‘was caused by a worm that got into my brain and ate a portion of it and then died.’

Yikes. We’re glad he’s made a full recovery. 

But that didn’t stop X users from opining on this breaking news, sometimes in hilarious ways:



Right? New fear unlocked.

It’s also fascinating how the media are concerned about RFK Jr.’s brain, but not Biden’s. If they both took a cognitive test, we know who’d pass and who’d fail.

And the fact the guy with the literal brain worm would pass says a lot.

Honestly, we should scan every politician’s brain for worms. It would explain SO MUCH.

But the RFK Jr. campaign really took advantage of this story. Check out this response:


Welp, this writer isn’t eating another tuna fish sandwich. EVER.

+1000 for the SponeBob reference.

Anyone who chooses to run for president puts his or her mental and physical fitness on the table for consideration. It comes with the job. We see what happens when a campaign hides and downplays cognitive issues (ones they joked about a decade ago already).

The problem here is not they reported on RFK Jr.’s issues, but that they ignore Biden’s obvious ones.

Love us a good Star Trek reference.

God does have an impish sense of humor, apparently. Also explains the platypus.

It is like an episode of ‘House’, isn’t it?

No lies detected.

We laughed out loud.

#RFK #Docs #Dead #Worm #BRAIN #Twitchy

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