YOU SAID IT: Carbon cruelty

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The latest cruel carbon tax increase inflicted by Justin Trudeau will only further damage the fiscal status of the majority of Canadians.

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Trudeau, who never faced an economic hardship in his life, touts this latest increment as the valiant fight for Gaia against those dastardly internal combustion engines and anything fossil-fuel related. People have to realize that this increase not only affects families but also businesses who will have to pass that added cost to the lowly consumer.

The prime minister and his cabinet, such as Steven Guilbeault, Chrystia Freeland, Jenna Sudds and company, do not have to worry since they are chauffeured on the taxpayer dime. This current federal government knows full well that EVs are not the answer, are extremely expensive and, besides, there are too few charging stations. They just do not want the great unwashed to drive because this means freedom, a nasty word in their progressive vocabulary.

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Re: PM’s carbon tax defence is incoherent, editorial, April 2

This editorial states that “economists generally agree a carbon tax is the most efficient way to reduce emissions.” If this is true, then how do these “university economists” explain that the U.S. has been outperforming Canada re GHG emission reductions for years without a carbon tax?

These economists couldn’t possibly have a political agenda, could they?



Forgive us, Lord, for not believing the government when it tells us it has our interests at heart by reducing our standard of living to Third World status; forgive us for not believing that the massive debt it is accumulating is going to be beneficial to future generations; and Lord forgive me for not having the ability to forgive our Liberal and NDP supporters.



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