YOU SAID IT: EV plants bad idea

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I would call the decision to proceed with EV battery and manufacturing plants as the Trudeau-Ford folly for the following reasons: Very few people can afford to purchase an EV; some manufacturers are reducing production of batteries and cars because of slow sales and there is no interest in buying one by the majority of people; the infrastructure is not readily available and reliable; the mining of special minerals is bad for the environment; and the Canadian winter negatively affects the function of EVs and the batteries.

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I am appalled that our governments throw huge amounts of money at car manufacturers while our health-care system and housing issues are being ignored. Don’t forget that the Canadian debt is forever ballooning due the fiscal irresponsibility of our politicians who all need a reality check.

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Re: Federal public service likely to grow despite expected loss of 5,000 jobs, experts say, online, April 25

The government boasting about 5,000 jobs being lost through attrition is utter poppycock. It was just brought out that the feds will likely be forced to hire more workers to help with the new positions that will be created by Justin Trudeau and company.

The federal government loves to boast of increasing employment numbers, however this is almost solely due to an increase in federal workers and service industry low-paying jobs where many folks have two or three to just barely get by.

This nation is losing its first world status and is rapidly becoming like China with a powerful state and scads of peons toiling away at the bottom of the heap.

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Greg Fergus, do you not think you went overboard when you told GC Strategies partner Kristian Firth to answer questions in Parliament. Now if you can only act the same way with Trudeau and the Liberals — force them to answer questions — instead of preaching to the masses.




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