YOU SAID IT: Ontario doctors, Ontario patients

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I read an article recently about a Gatineau couple who received a letter from their doctor saying that they could no longer be patients at the doctor’s Ottawa clinic. Now, I understand that when they first started with this health-care provider that they lived in Ontario, but have since moved to Quebec. Their complaint is that they are no longer allowed to use the doctor they have here.

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What Quebec patients don’t understand is that Ontario residents pay an extra health-care tax thanks to a former Liberal government. It has never been removed, and since we have Ontario residents unable to find a doctor, no out-of-province patients should be allowed to take up slots desperately needed by patients here.

Only if a specialist is required and there isn’t one available in their own province should they be able to come and use Ontario’s health system. Until the health-care system is fixed, people can find a doctor and the extra health-care tax is removed, patients should use the services in their own province.

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Why should Ontario taxpayers fund Quebec patients when we are unable to find access to our own doctors and clinics?



Of course Justin Trudeau’s faith in House Speaker Greg Fergus is still unwavering. It’s the Liberals’ systematic modus operandi. Don’t let unethical or scandalous behaviour get in the way of doing business. After all, Trudeau has faced zero accountability or consequences for his actions.

It is nauseating knowing he considers himself to be untouchable. To me, he has long ago lost any amount of credibility.



I read Bruce Deachman’s article suggesting that Ottawa needed a new motto. My suggestion is Ottawa, a fine city. This reflects the character of the city as well as the overhanging threat of fines if we leave the narrow path while driving, putting out garbage, playing on the road, etc.



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