YOU SAID IT: Simple sledding solution

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Re: Tough sledding; Report calls for fresh look at winter fun at Mooney’s Bay, April 21

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I have a free idea that can save Ottawa taxpayers $150K for a stupid study on how to make Mooney’s Bay safe for winter tobogganers. Remove all the obstacles, etc., that are in the way of sliders going down the hill. If it’s trees, put safety barriers around them so you will bounce off instead of hitting the trees.

There you have it Ottawa council, $150K saved, so you can use a small portion of that to make it safe with plenty left over.

I have never heard of such a stupid waste of tax dollars on a study that is more common sense than paying a bunch of suits who will probably come up with exactly what I said above.



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Re: GUNTER: New seat maps or not, Conservatives will win next federal election, online, April 23

Lorne Gunter wrote that federal NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh was campaigning in Edmonton recently. Perhaps if Singh wishes the NDP to remain relevant at all, he may want to withdraw his support for the inept Liberals. The Liberals’ poll numbers are sinking rapidly, and if Singh continues to support them, there’s no doubt his party will be going down with the ship.



We don’t give Justin Trudeau et al enough credit for seeing the future and adjusting to it. The problem being that innovation comes with glitches along the way. Since 2015, look at the hundreds of billions of dollars the Liberals have spent in trying to implement their view of Canada. They must know better than the rest of us given they are the progressive master race and natural leading party. And they do personify that trait to the letter. Hence they have fully morphed into what they so hastily and desperately promoted. They are one! Artificial intelligence personified.



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