Judge Says He Will Decide Whether To DQ Fani Willis Within Two Weeks – TPM – Talking Points Memo

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The two month saga of Trumpworld’s attempt to disqualify Fulton County DA Fani Willis is drawing to a close after Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee heard closing arguments in the case on Friday.

The hearing focused only on arguments, with McAfee deeming the evidentiary portion over.

Defense attorneys took turns trying to persuade McAfee to adopt a light standard for disqualification: the appearance of a conflict of interest, not an actual conflict of interest. They also tried to convince him that it would be enough to find that Willis and prosecutor Nathan Wade misled the court about when the relationship began.

The DA’s Office countered in a meandering argument which gained steam at the end. Per the prosecutors, defense attorneys had failed to prove the substance of an actual conflict. The defense witnesses were out for vengeance, prosecutors said, and Willis had suffered harassment as a result.

McAfee said that he expected to issue a ruling, including on some of the factual questions, in two weeks.

Read our coverage below.

The hearing will be livestreamed here.


The two month saga of Trumpworld’s attempt to disqualify Fulton County DA Fani Willis is drawing to a close after Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee heard closing arguments in the case on Friday.

The hearing focused only on arguments, with McAfee deeming the evidentiary portion over.

Defense attorneys took turns trying to persuade McAfee to adopt a light standard for disqualification: the appearance of a conflict of interest, not an actual conflict of interest. They also tried to convince him that it would be enough to find that Willis and prosecutor Nathan Wade misled the court about when the relationship began.

The DA’s Office countered in a meandering argument which gained steam at the end. Per the prosecutors, defense attorneys had failed to prove the substance of an actual conflict. The defense witnesses were out for vengeance, prosecutors said, and Willis had suffered harassment as a result.

McAfee said that he expected to issue a ruling, including on some of the factual questions, in two weeks.

Read our coverage below.

#Judge #Decide #Fani #Willis #Weeks #TPM #Talking #Points #Memo

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