Steve Bannon’s latest theory on Taylor Swift is the craziest conspiracy yet

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Former Donald Trump adviser Steve Bannon has a new addition for the right-wing conspiracy theory world. During an interview with former Breitbart editor Raheem Kassam on “Bannon’s War Room podcast,” the two men talked about the obstacles facing Trump this election season, including the psychological operator Taylor Swift.

If you don’t know, according to conspiracists, Taylor Swift is not-so-secretly being used by deep-state forces hellbent on reelecting President Joe Biden. Bannon plussed-up the conspiracy theory by implying that Swift’s successful tour’s dates were not coincidental. Cue dramatic sting!

BANNON: This is the Taylor Swift situation. I don’t believe in coincidences. Her tour, which is the biggest tour, I think, in music history, stops on 20 August and doesn’t pick back up until mid-November, early to mid-November. To be fully available after Labor Day to do whatever. And she’s pretty adamant. She got involved in the ‘22 midterms, and Taylor Swift, with TikTok in back, is a formidable presence. And anybody that doesn’t believe that, I don’t think is looking at the demographic and the power she has with that demographic.

Kassam took this hot potato of an idea, slowly responding, “Yeah, there’s a lot there. Yeah,” and then gave his own retelling of the Bannon conspiracy theory:

You’ve got to read between some of these lines here. Remember, she was so—she was so slammed in getting all these tour dates jammed in, especially around the Super Bowl. They actually say she got sick, but she kept performing afterwards. So she hasn’t had a break, even though she was sick. But she will take a break on the couple of months run-up, right up until the election. I wonder what could be happening then? I wonder who she might be going up on stage with every couple of days? You know, we saw those—we saw that. Hey, put the dots together, ladies and gentlemen.

Ladies and gentlemen, connect the dots! 

Bannon’s revelation really throws doubt onto the intelligence of the secret “deep state” puppet masters trying to rig the upcoming presidential election. Instead of letting Taylor Swift speak directly to tens of thousands of her fans as a captured audience every night on tour, according to Steve and Raheem, she’s going to go on … stump speeches with President Joe Biden. 

Swift’s success in getting her fans to register to vote has really broken the brains of conservative pundits everywhere.

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